GCN Circular 23157
GRB180806A: confirmation of the X-ray afterglow
2018-08-19T22:26:22Z (7 years ago)
Antonino D'Ai at IASF-PA <antonino.dai@ifc.inaf.it>
A. D'Ai (IASF-PA) reports on behalf of the Swift/XRT team:
Swift has performed further observations of the field of the
Fermi/LAT-detected burst GRB 180806A (Malacaria et al., GCN 23095).
An additional 4.2 ks of data were collected between 11.4 days
and 12.0 days after the Fermi trigger.
Source 1, initially reported by Gibson et al. (GCN 23097)
as the likely X-ray counterpart, is no longer detected down to a 3-sigma
upper limit of 1.0e-2 ct s^-1. Source 1 position was also consistent with an
optically fading source (GCN 23091, 23092, 23094, 23096, 23098, 23101).
Source1 is therefore confirmed as the X-ray afterglow of GRB 180806A.
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.