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GCN Circular 232

GRB 990123: near-infrared observations.
1999-01-27T14:51:12Z (26 years ago)
Angelo Antonelli at Obs. Astro. di Roma <>
L.A. Antonelli, A. Di Paola, R.Speziali, Osservatorio Astronomico di 
Roma, Italy, and G. Gandolfi, BeppoSAX Scientific Operation Center, 
Italy, report on behalf of SWIRT Team and BeppoSAX Team:

"We observed the Optical Transient field of GRB 990123 in the J band 
using the 1.1m AZT-24 telescope and the near-infrared 
camera/spectrometer SWIRCAM at the Campo Imperatore Astronomical 
Observatory operated by the Astronomical Observatory of Rome (O.A.R.). 

On 25.22 (UT) January 1999, the OT field was observed for a total
exposure time of 2000 s reaching the limiting magnitude in the
J band of 19.5 +/- 0.3 mag . 
On 26.12 (UT) January 1999 the field was re-observed for a total
exposure time of 3600 s reaching the limiting magnitude in the
J band of 19.3 +/- 0.3 mag. No source has been found in both
observations within the errorbox of the O.T. (IAUC 7094). 

These observations provide an upper limit, in the J band, to the 
infrared counterpart (if any) of GRB 990123 and on its behaviour.

This message may be cited."

[GCN OP NOTE (99/01/27 15:10 UT):  Some of you on the GCN Circulars list
probably received this Circular twice.  Due to a very low probability
occurance of e-mail deliver deamons timing, this notice got deposited
in the "import" queue of the Circulars processing deamon twice.]
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