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GCN Circular 23694

GRB 190114B: BOOTES-4/MET optical afterglow detection
2019-01-14T22:31:44Z (6 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
E. Fernandez-Garcia, Y.-D. Hu, X.-Y.Li, , A. Ayala, A. J. Castro-Tirado 
(IAA-CSIC), C. Perez del Pulgar, A. Castellon, I. Carrasco (Univ. de 
Malaga), ��and D. Xiong, Y. Fan, X. Zhao, J. Bai, C. Wang, Y. Xin (Yunnan 
Nacional Astronomical Observatory) on behalf of a larger collaboration, 

"Following the detection of GRB 190114B by Swift/BAT (Siegel et al. GCNC 
23686), the 0.6m BOOTES-4/MET robotic telescope at Lijiang Astronomical 
Observatory (China) obtained follow-up�� observations starting at 
19:53:24 UT (~0.37 hr after trigger). Within the enhaced Swift/XRT 
position (Goad et al. GCNC 23691) an optical source with a preliminary 
magnitude of 20.3 mag (clear filter) is detected, fading in brightness 
in the late-time images, which we suggest as the optical afterglow to 
GRB 190114B at coordinates (J2000) RA = 11:39:29.81, Dec =+18:53:28.1 
(+/- 1"). Observations are ongoing."
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