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GCN Circular 24085

LIGO/Virgo S190408an: HMT optical observations
2019-04-10T00:35:49Z (6 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <>
Dong Xu, Zi-Pei Zhu, Bang-Yao Yu (NAOC), Xing Gao (Urumqi No.1 Senior 
High School), Sheng Yang (INAF-OAPd, UC Davis), Hai-Bin Zhao, Bin Li 
(PMO), Jin-Zhong Liu, Hu-Biao Niu, Jun-Hui Liu, Xuan Zhang (XAO), 
Ji-Rong Mao, Jin-Ming Bai (YNAO), report on behalf of the GWFUNC 

We performed the search for the optical counterpart of LIGO/Virgo 
S190408an (Singer et al. GCN 24069) using the Half-Meter Telescope (HMT) 
located at Dabancheng, Xinjiang, China. Observations started at 13:50:00 
UT on 2019-04-09 and ended at 22:43:00 UT on 2019-04-09, and the 60x40 
arcmin^2 unfiltered imager scanned the highest probability regions of 
the LVC localization that are accessible to HMT.

The total area is about 48 deg^2, and listed below are the field centers 

  RA(deg)   DEC(deg)
13.39305	67.41200
13.39305	68.07900
13.39305	68.74600
16.07167	67.41200
16.07167	68.07900
16.07167	68.74600
18.75028	67.41200
18.75028	68.07900
18.75028	68.74600
14.67533	69.41300
14.67533	70.08000
14.67533	70.74700
17.61040	69.41300
17.61040	70.08000
17.61040	70.74700
20.54547	69.41300
20.54547	70.08000
20.54547	70.74700
5.87013	69.41300	
5.87013	70.08000	
5.87013	70.74700	
8.80520	69.41300	
8.80520	70.08000	
8.80520	70.74700	
11.74027	69.41300
11.74027	70.08000
11.74027	70.74700
5.35722	67.41200	
5.35722	68.07900	
5.35722	68.74600	
8.03583	67.41200	
8.03583	68.07900	
8.03583	68.74600	
10.71444	67.41200
10.71444	68.07900
10.71444	68.74600
347.58542	55.40600
347.58542	56.07300
347.58542	56.74000
349.37710	55.40600
349.37710	56.07300
349.37710	56.74000
351.16878	55.40600
351.16878	56.07300
351.16878	56.74000
349.83315	57.40700
349.83315	58.07400
349.83315	58.74100
351.72414	57.40700
351.72414	58.07400
351.72414	58.74100
353.61513	57.40700
353.61513	58.07400
353.61513	58.74100
344.31655	49.40300
344.31655	50.07000
344.31655	50.73700
345.87454	49.40300
345.87454	50.07000
345.87454	50.73700
347.43253	49.40300
347.43253	50.07000
347.43253	50.73700
351.07563	53.40500
351.07563	54.07200
351.07563	54.73900
352.77989	53.40500
352.77989	54.07200
352.77989	54.73900
354.48414	53.40500
354.48414	54.07200
354.48414	54.73900

Optical transient(s) from the above fields, if interesting, will be 
reported later on.
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