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GCN Circular 24193

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Lulin Follow-Up Observations
2019-04-25T19:55:03Z (6 years ago)
Mansi M. Kasliwal at Caltech/Carnegie <>
Han-Jie Tan (NCU), Po-Chieh Yu (NCU), Chow-Choong Ngeow (NCU), Wing-Huen Ip

On behalf of Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen
(GROWTH) collaborations

We report the photometric measurements of two promising candidates
ZTF19aarykkb and ZTF19aarzaod (GCN 24191) associated with the gravitational
wave trigger S190425z (GCN 24168) using Lulin One-meter Telescope(LOT) in
Taiwan. The observations were conducted using g, r, i filters at 2019-04-25
15:57:19 UT, ~7.65 hours after the trigger, and 2019-04-25 17:25:43, ~9.12
hours after the trigger, respectively. Preliminary photometry were obtained
by calibrating with Pan-STARRS catalog.

We would like to thank the staff in Lulin Observatory for helping the

Summary of ZTF19aarykkb:
         UT                        Filter          Exp(s)
Mag (AB)
2019-04-25 15:58:49           g           180                18.84+/-0.04
2019-04-25 16:02:11           r             180                18.23+/-0.02
2019-04-25 16:05:33           i             180                17.92+/-0.02

Summary of ZTF19aarzaod:
2019-04-25 17:48:24         g                300                21.45+/0.47
2019-04-25 17:53:45         r                 300
2019-04-25 17:41:56         i                 300

Also, we searched for optical counterpart in 90% localization area of
LIGO/Virgo S190425z (GCN 24168). The observation started at 2019-04-25
12:27:23 UT, 249 minutes after the trigger, and 27 galaxies were observed
in R-band with 180 second exposure time. No obvious transient can be
identified brighter than R~20 mag (AB). The galaxy coordinates are listed

RA(deg)   DEC(deg)
194.9152    +53.341
212.0897    +55.302
212.6985    +35.913
213.2136    +35.711
213.6132    +36.404
216.0865    +36.461
217.9843    +33.643
218.3270    +34.735
219.1718    +34.973
232.4191    +30.486
235.3749    +27.986
236.0957    +25.327
236.3709    +26.603
236.9752    +25.729
239.0161    +24.448
239.2193    +24.662
239.2199    +25.569
239.6450    +27.618
239.7168    +26.136
239.9651    +25.941
241.1394    +23.838
241.2978    +24.960
242.2803    +21.868
242.7183    +22.626
242.8088    +26.923
242.8782    +23.812
243.0847    +23.002
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