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GCN Circular 24198

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: KPED Follow-Up Observations
2019-04-25T21:54:41Z (6 years ago)
Tomas Ahumada at U. of Maryland <>
Authors: Tomas Ahumada (UMD), Michael W. Coughlin (Caltech), Kai Staats
(Embry-Riddle University),  Richard G. Dekany
(Caltech), Dmitry A. Duev
(Caltech), Michael Feeney
(Caltech), S. R. Kulkarni
(Caltech), Reed Riddle
(Caltech) on behalf of the KPED team and the Global Relay of Observatories
Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) collaboration.

We used the Kitt Peak EMCCD Demonstrator (KPED) on the Kitt Peak 84-inch
telescope (Coughlin et al 2019b) to obtain 300 s r-band images for 10
galaxies in the 90% localization region of the S190425z LIGO/Virgo
detection (GCN 24168). The observations started 10:12 UT on 2019 April 25
(about ~1.9 hours after the event) and the median 5 sigma upper limit for
an isolated point source in our images was r > 20.8. No transients were
detected in any of the galaxies listed below:

           Name             |         R.A. |       Dec.


NGC6166                       | 16:28:38.23 | 39:33:04.4

NGC4889                       | 13:00:08.13 | 27:58:37.2

CB-11.4459                     15:18:32.09  |  31:09:40.82

1200-07486009              | 15:12:12.73 |  31:54:36.17

    | 15:12:26.92 |  32:24:03.84

J151717.32+304801.3   | 15:17:17.33 |  30:48:01.33

J151303.42+325505.8   | 15:13:03.43 |  32:55:05.81

    | 15:12:02.07 | 32:54:55.29

    | 15:11:36.34  | 31:42:47.31

J151109.81+313833.2   | 15:11:09.82  | 31:38:33.2

The KPED team thanks the National Science Foundation, the National Optical
Astronomical Observatory and the Murty family for support in the building
and operation of KPED.
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