GCN Circular 24199
LIGO/Virgo S190425z: STARE2 simultaneous L-band radio observations
2019-04-25T22:23:37Z (6 years ago)
Christopher Bochenek at California Institute of Technology <cbochenek@astro.caltech.edu>
C. D. Bochenek (Caltech), S. R. Kulkarni (Caltech), D. McKenna (Caltech), K. Belov (JPL), V. Ravi (Harvard, Caltech)
STARE2 is an all-sky instrument located at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) and the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex designed to search for fast radio transients. STARE2 is sensitive to millisecond duration bursts of radio emission above 157 kJy, for a burst at zenith. The beam pattern of the instrument is attached. STARE2 regularly sees type IIIdm bursts from the Sun.
No candidate events were found within 3 hours of the event.
Observing frequency: 1280-1530 MHz
Time resolution: 65.536 microseconds
Maximum timescale STARE2 is sensitive to: 34 ms
Frequency resolution: 122.07 kHz
Dispersion measure search range: 5 pc cm^-3 - 3000 pc cm^-3
If the event happened at the location of ZTF19aarykkb (GCN 24191) and a millisecond duration burst, we limit the flux to < 1.5 MJy.
The sky at OVRO at the time of the event contains 57% of the LIGO localization region (GCN 24196).