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GCN Circular 24202

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Liverpool Telescope non-detections of ATLAS candidates
2019-04-26T01:08:30Z (6 years ago)
Daniel Perley at Liverpool JMU <>
D. A. Perley and C. M. Copperwheat (LJMU) report:

We acquired a short sequence (40 seconds each in g/r/i filters) of 
imaging at the locations of all five of the marginal ATLAS transients 
reported by McBrien et al. (GCN 24197) using IO:O on the 2m Liverpool 
Telescope.   We do not detect a significant source at the location of 
any of these transients.  Approximate 3-sigma upper limits (AB, 
calculated relative to SDSS or PS1 secondary standards) are:

Name       JD               magnitude
AT2019eao  2458599.47986    g > 22.1
AT2019eao  2458599.48069    r > 22.1
AT2019eao  2458599.48150    i > 21.2
AT2019ebn  2458599.49142    g > 22.1
AT2019ebn  2458599.49225    r > 22.2
AT2019ebn  2458599.49306    i > 21.8
AT2019ebm  2458599.51188    g > 22.3
AT2019ebm  2458599.51272    r > 22.0
AT2019ebm  2458599.51353    i > 21.7
AT2019ebl  2458599.51785    g > 22.3
AT2019ebl  2458599.51869    r > 22.1
AT2019ebl  2458599.51950    i > 21.8
AT2019dzv  2458599.52163    g > 22.2
AT2019dzv  2458599.52246    r > 21.7
AT2019dzv  2458599.52328    i > 21.7

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