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GCN Circular 24207

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Las Cumbres Observatory Galaxy Targeted Counterpart Search
2019-04-26T03:24:53Z (6 years ago)
Daichi Hiramatsu at Las Cumbres Observatory <>
Daichi Hiramatsu (LCO/UCSB), Craig Pellegrino (LCO/UCSB), Jamison Burke
(LCO/UCSB), D. Andrew Howell (LCO/UCSB), Iair Arcavi (Tel Aviv University),
Curtis McCully (LCO) on behalf of the Las Cumbres GW Follow-up Collaboration

We report 300s gri-band images of the following galaxies in the LIGO/Virgo
S190425z localization region (GCN 24168) with the Las Cumbres Observatory
1m and 2m telescopes at Siding Spring, Australia. We find no obvious
candidates after performing image subtraction using SDSS images as
templates. Additional galaxies continue to be observed from our South
African and Chilean sites.

Name                   RA(J2000)  DEC(J200)  Time(UT)            Filter
CSCG136-080            236.975159 +25.729359 2019-04-25 13:16:33 i      21.7
CSCG136-080            236.975159 +25.729359 2019-04-25 13:22:16 r      21.9
CSCG136-080            236.975159 +25.729359 2019-04-25 13:27:58 g      21.0
NGC6240                253.245255 +2.400985  2019-04-25 12:52:57 i      21.4
NGC6240                253.245255 +2.400985  2019-04-25 12:58:42 r      21.8
NGC6240                253.245255 +2.400985  2019-04-25 13:04:26 g      22.0
NGC6051                241.236267 +23.932871 2019-04-25 13:50:21 i      21.5
NGC6051                241.236267 +23.932871 2019-04-25 13:56:06 r      21.9
NGC6051                241.236267 +23.932871 2019-04-25 14:01:51 g      22.1
NGC6086                243.148087 +29.484850 2019-04-25 14:15:41 i      20.0
NGC6086                243.148087 +29.484850 2019-04-25 14:21:24 r      18.8
NGC6086                243.148087 +29.484850 2019-04-25 14:27:06 g      21.3
2MASXJ16542402-0953212 253.600113 -9.889244  2019-04-25 14:55:41 i      18.2
2MASXJ16542402-0953212 253.600113 -9.889244  2019-04-25 15:01:23 r      19.6
2MASXJ16542402-0953212 253.600113 -9.889244  2019-04-25 15:07:04 g      18.2
CGCG137-045            242.276917 +24.870296 2019-04-25 13:35:30 i      22.0
CGCG137-045            242.276917 +24.870296 2019-04-25 13:41:13 r      22.7
CGCG137-045            242.276917 +24.870296 2019-04-25 13:46:56 g      22.6
CGCG137-066            243.740997 +21.938314 2019-04-25 13:30:47 i      20.7
CGCG137-066            243.740997 +21.938314 2019-04-25 13:36:32 r      21.8
CGCG137-066            243.740997 +21.938314 2019-04-25 13:42:17 g      21.7
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