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GCN Circular 24258

LIGO/Virgo S190426c: GROWTH India follow-up
2019-04-27T02:37:37Z (6 years ago)
Varun Bhalerao at Indian Inst of Tech <>
V. Bhalerao, H. Kumar, V. Karambelkar, K. Deshmukh, D. Saraogi (IITB), G. C. Anupama, T. Stanzin, J. Stanzin (IIA) report on behalf of the GROWTH collaboration:

We followed up the localisation region of the GW candidate event S190426c with the GROWTH-India telescope. We obtained 31 r-band overlapping images covering a total area of 7.5 square degrees, with 3.9% probability of containing the GW counterpart. Exposures were 600 seconds long, and reached a typical depth of 20.5 magnitude. The field centres (given below) were chosen in coordination with ZTF and DECAM (GCN 24257) to cover the northernmost part of the sky not accessible to them. These fields contain 56 galaxies from the GLADE catalog and 5 galaxies from NED. Names and coordinates of the galaxies are also given below.

We do not find any new candidate counterparts in these fields.

List of observed fields:
ra dec
339.545 85.979
342.692 85.247
346.500 86.345
337.500 84.882
337.500 86.345
331.364 85.979
348.750 85.613
352.059 83.784
356.250 85.613
356.786 84.882
345.000 84.516
356.538 85.247
358.336 86.028
357.188 84.150
333.750 85.613
313.533 84.081
335.769 85.247
003.214 84.882
003.000 84.516
349.615 85.247
002.812 84.150
355.909 85.979
351.562 84.150
341.250 85.613
351.000 84.516
347.727 85.979
345.938 84.150
350.357 84.882
357.000 84.516
357.353 83.784
343.929 84.882

List of galaxies from NED:
351.959 85.591 VII Zw 941
352.416 85.861 2MASX J23293953+8551387
358.336 86.028 MCG +14-01-004
313.533 84.081 UGC 11664 NED01
349.941 85.373 kkh 095

List of galaxies from GLADE:
ra dec name
356.005 83.640 2MASSJ23440128+8338231
355.713 83.626 2MASSJ23425102+8337319
358.775 83.909 2MASSJ23550596+8354321
359.847 83.786 2MASSJ23592318+8347099
000.843 83.890 2MASSJ00032224+8353232
350.471 83.798 2MASSJ23215295+8347536
333.012 85.867 2MASSJ22120284+8552027
335.994 86.574 2MASSJ22235866+8634273
337.236 84.779 2MASSJ22285658+8446453
336.437 85.302 2MASSJ22254483+8518062
339.315 84.712 2MASSJ22371570+8442429
339.330 86.568 2MASSJ22371927+8634059
341.079 84.767 2MASSJ22441891+8445595
343.365 85.671 2MASSJ22532770+8540144
343.507 84.754 2MASSJ22540162+8445139
343.191 86.590 2MASSJ22524594+8635254
344.556 83.900 2MASSJ22581350+8354006
345.426 84.612 2MASSJ23014222+8436430
347.221 84.347 2MASSJ23085305+8420475
347.491 84.232 2MASSJ23095774+8413568
347.547 84.580 2MASSJ23101130+8434478
347.305 85.200 2MASSJ23091312+8512017
346.687 86.588 2MASSJ23064494+8635164
348.821 84.565 2MASSJ23151704+8433526
348.365 85.910 2MASSJ23132761+8554374
348.279 85.913 2MASSJ23130697+8554472
349.952 85.246 2MASSJ23194838+8514443
349.426 85.675 2MASSJ23174216+8540308
351.498 84.983 2MASSJ23255954+8458585
352.401 85.455 2MASSJ23293632+8527167
352.092 85.487 2MASSJ23282212+8529128
353.146 84.606 2MASSJ23323509+8436200
353.222 85.505 2MASSJ23325329+8530171
353.717 85.459 2MASSJ23345217+8527335
354.043 86.052 2MASSJ23361042+8603066
356.314 84.982 2MASSJ23451539+8458560
356.520 85.413 2MASSJ23460476+8524454
356.634 86.255 2MASSJ23463222+8615196
357.738 85.186 2MASSJ23505702+8511090
357.681 85.643 2MASSJ23504338+8538359
358.058 86.274 2MASSJ23521403+8616272
358.615 84.161 2MASSJ23542759+8409392
358.618 84.422 2MASSJ23542829+8425182
358.486 84.423 2MASSJ23535669+8425237
359.447 85.001 2MASSJ23574733+8500029
000.425 84.862 2MASSJ00014210+8451427
000.209 85.273 2MASSJ00005020+8516227
001.538 84.444 2MASSJ00060903+8426372
001.427 85.020 2MASSJ00054249+8501112
002.342 85.111 2MASSJ00092210+8506409
002.206 85.919 2MASSJ00084951+8555097
002.022 85.871 2MASSJ00080534+8552153
003.587 84.672 2MASSJ00142097+8440183
004.330 84.212 2MASSJ00171922+8412432
345.896 83.870 2MASSJ23033508+8352127
353.130 83.854 2MASSJ23323111+8351147
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