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GCN Circular 24281

LIGO/Virgo S190426c: Nanshan/NEXT Observation of Galaxies
2019-04-27T13:52:46Z (5 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <>
Zi-Pei Zhu, Dong Xu, Bang-Yao Yu, Tian-Meng Zhang, Xu Zhou, Xiao-Ming 
Teng, Peng-Fei Liu, Xiang-Nan Guan, Yun-Fei Xu, Dong-Wei Fan, Chen-Zhou 
Cui, Hui-Juan Wang (NAOC), Sheng Yang (INAF-OAPd), Hai-Bin Zhao, Bin Li 
(PMO), Jin-Zhong Liu, Hu-Biao Niu, Jun-Hui Liu, Xuan Zhang (XAO), 
Ji-Rong Mao, Jin-Ming Bai (YNAO), Xing Gao (Urumqi No.1 Senior High 
School) report on behalf of the GWFUNC collaboration:

We selected a bunch of galaxies from the GLADE catalog, which overlap 
with the high probability map of the LIGO GW event S190426c (GCN 24237) 
and are accessible to the NEXT-0.6m telescope located at Nanshan, 
Xinjiang, China. Due to weather constraint, we obtained ten field images 
with reasonable depth. Observations started at 17:19:27 UT on 2019-04-26 
and ended at 18:40:06 UT on 2019-04-26, with each unfiltered exposure of 
120 sec. Typical limiting depth is of ~18.5 mag.

Below listed are the observed galaxies:

         Galaxy_name  		    R.A.      Dec.
2MASS+00304776+8259011 7.69904 +82.9837
2MASS+20242781+4900526 306.116 +49.0146
2MASS+20334424+5403120 308.434 +54.0533
2MASS+20370886+5756538 309.287 +57.9483
2MASS+20441724+8654219 311.072 +86.9061
2MASS+21044313+8719037 316.18   +87.3177
2MASS+21185927+8522535 319.747 +85.3815
2MASS+23370966+8226215 354.29   +82.4393
2MASS+23440128+8338231 356.005 +83.6398
2MASS+23542829+8425182 358.618 +84.4217

No apparent optical transients are found in the above galaxies.
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