GCN Circular 24308
If you have problems wrt GCN ( GRB, LIGO/Virgo, etc) and need to send email to the operator
2019-04-27T22:53:55Z (5 years ago)
Scott Barthelmy at NASA/GSFC <scott.d.barthelmy@nasa.gov>
Scott Barthelmy (NASA/GSFC, GCN)
My email using the sbarthel@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov (and the variation scott@milkyway.gsfc.nasa.gov) address
is off-line. As such I am getting very few emails -- only my scott.d.barthelmy@nasa.gov address is working.
It has been this way since 07:00 UT today (27apr19). And is likely to continue through to Monday.
If you have need to contact me, please use the scott.d.barthelmy@nasa.gov address. (And if you already have
sent me email after 07:00 UT today that needs immediate attention, please resend it the working address.)
And this applies to GCN Notice issues as well. Please spread this to your colleagues.
My apologies for the delays and your extra effort to accommodate my email difficulties.