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GCN Circular 24367

LIGO/Virgo S190425z: Konkoly imaging of target galaxies
2019-05-02T13:57:30Z (6 years ago)
Jozsef Vinko at Konkoly Observatory <>
J. Vinko, A. Bodi, L. Kriskovics, K. Sarneczky and A. Pal (Konkoly Observatory) report additional CCD imaging of potential host galaxies of S190425z targeted by the Hobby-Eberly Telescope VIRUS spectrograph (GCN #24175). CCD frames were taken with the 0.6/0.9m Schmidt telescope (FoV 70x70 arcmin^2, unfiltered, limiting mag ~21.5) and the 0.8m RC telescope (FoV 18x18 arcmin^2, g- and r-band, limiting mag r~20.4) between 2019-04-25.9 and 2019-04-26.0 UT. The frames were centered at the following positions: 

241.236267 +23.932871 = 16:04:56.7 +23:55:58:33 
247.400574 +15.65844 = 16:29:36.1 +15:39:03.38 
253.245255 +2.400985 = 16:52:58.8 +02:24:03.06 
254.505371 -1.822693 = 16:58:01.2 -01:49:20.17 
254.780334 -5.741986 = 16:59:07.2 -05:44:31.14 

The deepest unfiltered frames were compared to PS1 templates applying image subtraction. 

No new transient source has been found on either frames down to the limiting magnitude of ~ 21.5 listed above.
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