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GCN at AAS 245, Legacy Circulars Address Retirement. See news and announcements

GCN Circular 24475

LIGO/Virgo S190510g: Xinglong/Schmidt Follow-Up Observations
2019-05-11T09:38:48Z (6 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <>
Z.P. Zhu, D. Xu, B.Y. Yu, T.M. Zhang, X. Zhou, X.M. Teng, P.F. Liu, X. 
N. Guan, H.J. Wang, C.Z. Cui, D.W. Fan, Y.F. Xu (NAOC), S. Yang 
(INAF-OAPd), H.B. Zhao, B. Li (PMO), J.Z. Liu, H.B. Niu (XAO), J.R. Mao, 
J.M. Bai (YNAO), X. Gao (Urumqi No.1 Senior High School), report on 
behalf of the GWFUNC collaboration:

We performed the search for the optical counterpart of LIGO/Virgo 
S190510g (LVC, GCN 24442) using the 0.9-m Schmidt telescope located at 
Xinglong, Hebei, China. Observations started at 12:50:37 UT on 
2019-05-10 and ended at 18:39:16 UT on 2019-05-10, and the 1.5 x 1.5 
deg^2 imager scanned relatively high probability regions of the LVC 
localization that are accessible to the Xinglong/Schmidt telescope. The 
unfiltered images were taken with 60 sec exposure time and typical 
limiting depth is around 18.5 mag.

Below listed are the field centers observed.

RA(J2000)      DEC(J2000)
13:27:04.200 +02:54:36.00
13:33:04.800 +02:53:57.00
13:38:46.100 +02:54:04.00
13:27:42.000 +04:23:47.00
13:33:29.900 +04:24:04.00
13:39:29.300 +04:24:08.00
13:27:58.390 +05:53:48.00
13:32:47.200 +05:54:02.00
13:38:41.700 +05:54:05.00
13:25:40.400 -01:36:36.00
13:30:58.590 -01:36:02.00
13:36:36.600 -01:35:57.00
13:25:00.000 -00:06:21.00
13:30:59.990 -00:06:01.00
13:37:00.600 -00:05:57.00
13:24:58.500 +01:23:38.00
13:30:56.700 +01:23:59.00
13:36:58.300 +01:24:03.00
13:42:59.190 -01:35:59.00
13:48:57.790 -01:35:49.00
13:54:59.590 -01:35:44.00
13:42:59.700 -00:05:46.00
13:49:00.000 -00:05:53.00
13:54:59.690 -00:05:40.00
13:42:58.290 +01:23:52.00
13:48:32.500 +01:24:12.00
13:54:48.900 +01:24:15.00
13:27:37.600 -06:06:12.00
13:33:29.800 -06:06:00.00
13:39:30.800 -06:05:56.00
13:27:31.400 -04:36:25.00
13:33:32.200 -04:35:56.00
13:39:30.900 -04:35:55.00
13:27:29.000 -03:05:51.00
13:33:30.100 -03:06:02.00
13:39:31.290 -03:05:56.00
14:21:26.200 +02:54:44.00
14:27:12.790 +02:54:45.00
14:33:19.100 +02:54:50.00
14:21:38.600 +04:24:25.00
14:27:12.590 +04:24:46.00
14:33:13.090 +04:24:50.00
14:21:57.890 +05:54:37.00
14:27:13.200 +05:54:46.00
14:33:41.100 +05:54:51.00
14:39:44.300 +02:54:57.00
14:45:25.600 +02:55:02.00
14:51:22.800 +02:55:09.00
14:39:40.400 +04:25:05.00
14:45:28.800 +04:25:00.00
14:50:45.490 +04:25:09.00
14:39:58.600 +05:54:56.00
14:45:15.190 +05:55:04.00
14:51:43.090 +05:55:16.00
13:45:31.900 -06:05:48.00
13:51:19.200 -06:05:48.00
13:57:02.000 -06:05:43.00
13:45:37.800 -04:35:48.00
13:51:35.000 -04:35:47.00
13:57:32.200 -04:35:41.00
13:45:39.100 -03:05:44.00
13:51:31.700 -03:05:50.00
13:57:31.900 -03:05:42.00
14:47:43.790 +07:24:57.00
14:53:54.800 +07:25:13.00
14:59:56.500 +07:25:18.00
14:47:52.300 +08:54:32.00
14:54:00.100 +08:55:17.00
15:00:00.990 +08:55:18.00
14:48:00.100 +10:24:57.00
14:54:03.790 +10:25:12.00
15:00:03.800 +10:25:26.00
14:29:40.400 +07:24:50.00
14:29:50.890 +07:24:50.00
14:29:50.890 +07:24:50.00
14:29:38.400 +08:54:58.00
14:35:43.000 +08:54:50.00
14:41:45.600 +08:54:59.00
14:30:07.600 +10:24:40.00
14:35:33.300 +10:24:58.00
14:41:31.500 +10:24:59.00
14:37:00.800 -01:35:07.00
14:42:51.890 -01:35:02.00
14:48:30.600 -01:34:54.00
14:37:11.290 -00:05:13.00
14:42:32.200 -00:05:00.00
14:48:27.600 -00:04:53.00
14:37:04.800 +01:24:42.00
14:42:54.700 +01:25:00.00
14:48:41.390 +01:25:08.00
14:18:44.800 -01:35:26.00
14:24:52.200 -01:35:19.00
14:30:47.900 -01:35:12.00
14:19:08.790 -00:05:36.00
14:25:00.800 -00:05:12.00
14:30:33.800 -00:05:12.00
14:19:07.000 +01:24:23.00
14:25:00.100 +01:24:47.00
14:30:30.890 +01:24:48.00
13:45:48.100 +02:54:01.00
13:51:23.200 +02:54:13.00
13:57:09.200 +02:54:17.00
13:45:38.890 +04:23:56.00
13:50:57.600 +04:24:13.00
13:57:32.500 +04:24:22.00
13:45:37.500 +05:54:01.00
13:51:14.300 +05:54:14.00
13:57:13.490 +05:54:18.00
14:57:54.700 +02:55:13.00
15:03:41.600 +02:55:24.00
15:09:44.690 +02:55:31.00
14:57:52.300 +04:25:23.00
15:03:43.790 +04:25:25.00
15:09:18.300 +04:25:31.00
14:57:54.490 +05:54:43.00
15:03:45.290 +05:55:25.00
15:09:43.290 +05:55:31.00
13:34:58.900 +07:24:03.00
13:40:47.400 +07:24:02.00
13:47:06.400 +07:24:09.00
13:35:04.590 +08:53:46.00
13:40:09.500 +08:54:05.00
13:47:08.800 +08:54:10.00
13:35:03.600 +10:24:05.00
13:40:29.690 +10:24:05.00
13:46:49.590 +10:24:10.00
14:55:11.900 -01:34:45.00
15:00:58.800 -01:34:41.00
15:07:16.700 -01:34:33.00
14:55:11.300 -00:04:41.00
15:00:26.000 -00:04:42.00
15:06:07.400 -00:04:32.00
14:55:02.700 +01:25:20.00
15:00:58.200 +01:25:22.00
15:06:59.000 +01:25:27.00
14:11:25.300 +07:24:21.00
14:16:38.690 +07:24:36.00
14:22:40.490 +07:24:41.00
14:11:24.900 +08:54:34.00
14:17:55.400 +08:54:36.00
14:23:07.990 +08:54:41.00
14:11:40.700 +10:24:18.00
14:16:32.190 +10:24:36.00
14:23:03.390 +10:24:41.00
14:03:48.200 +02:54:12.00
14:08:13.700 +02:54:27.00
14:15:21.300 +02:54:32.00
14:03:44.100 +04:24:27.00
14:09:21.890 +04:24:32.00
14:15:26.000 +04:24:32.00
14:03:31.790 +05:54:16.00
14:09:37.790 +05:54:29.00
14:15:35.100 +05:54:32.00
14:43:29.400 +11:55:14.00
14:49:28.000 +11:55:04.00
14:55:21.690 +11:55:14.00
14:43:17.290 +13:25:06.00
14:49:14.900 +13:25:07.00
14:55:41.100 +13:25:15.00
14:43:15.300 +14:54:59.00
14:49:29.000 +14:55:07.00
14:55:14.100 +14:55:15.00

Data analysis is ongoing. Optical transients from the above fields, if 
interesting, will be reported later.
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