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GCN Circular 24477

LIGO/Virgo S190510g: Unconfirmed OT in PGC 094244
2019-05-11T10:08:27Z (6 years ago)
Michael A Tucker at Inst. for Astronomy, UH Manoa <>
M. A. Tucker, A. Do, A. V. Payne, M. E. Huber, B. J. Shappee (UH Manoa,
Institute for Astronomy):

Following the discovery of an optical transient in PGC 094244 (GCN 24470,
Lipunov et al.), we obtained follow up V-band imaging with the SuperNova
Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) on the University of Hawai'i 88-inch
(UH88) telescope. The transient is undetected in 2 images to a limiting
magnitude of V ~ 22, calibrated to PanSTARRS sources using the photometric
transformations of Tonry et al. (2012, ApJ).

Date Obs (UT)             | Expt. (s) | mlim
2019-05-11T07:09:45 |  180        | ~21.5
2019-05-11T07:14:23 |  300        | ~22
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