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GCN Circular 24647

LIGO/Virgo S190521r: One optical transient from CNEOST
2019-05-22T02:11:08Z (6 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <>
Bin Li, Hai-bin Zhao (PMO), Dong Xu, Zi-pei Zhu, Bang-Yao Yu,Tian-meng 
Zhang, Xu Zhou, Chen-zhou Cui, Hui-juan Wang (NAOC), Xue-feng Wu, 
Zhi-ping Jin, Tian-rui Sun, Hao Lu, Ge-tu Zhaori, Ren-quan Hong, 
Long-fei Hu (PMO), Xiao-feng Wang, Wen-xiong Li (THU), Li-fan Wang 
(PMO/TAMU), Jin-zhong Liu (XAO), Ji-rong Mao, Jin-ming Bai (YNAO), 
report on behalf of the CNEOST collaboration

We performed the search for the optical counterpart of LIGO/Virgo 
S190521r (LVC, GCN 24632) with the Chinese Near Earth Object Survey 
Telescope (CNEOST) at Xuyi, Jiangsu, China. The 3 x 3 deg^2 imager 
scanned high probability regions of the LVC localization that are 
accessible to CNEOST. Statistical results on the search will be reported 
later, and here we report an optical transient.

The OT is localised at coordinates:

R.A. (J2000) = 17:19:41.85
Dec. (J2000) = +01:04:45.19

with an uncertainty of ~ 0.5 arcsec. The OT had m(VR) ~ 17.8 mag at 
15:48:04 UT on 2019-05-21, and appeared at the above position in three 
images with time interval of ~ 40 mins. At the above position, there 
exists a very low S/N object in the PanSTARRS and SDSS surveys. The 
object had m(r) ~ 23.3 mag, and seems extended to some extent.

Verification of the OT is encouraged.
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