GCN Circular 24931
GRB 190630B: KAIT Optical Afterglow Confirmation
2019-07-01T05:41:45Z (6 years ago)
Weikang Zheng at UC Berkeley <weikang@berkeley.edu>
WeiKang Zheng and Alexei V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley) report on
behalf of the KAIT GRB team:
The 0.76-m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), located at
Lick Observatory, responded to the Swift GRB 190630B (Krimm et al.,
GCN 24913; Cummings et al. GCN 24918) starting at 310s after the burst.
Observations were performed with a sequence in the clear (roughly R),
V, and I filters, and the exposure time was 60 s per image. Further
analysis on our reported afterglow candidate (Zheng & Filippenko, GCN
24914) shows that the candidate position is within the enhanced XRT
error circle (Page et al., GCN 24919), and its brightness faded more than
2 magnitude during our ~2 hours observing range. We therefore confirm
this is the optical afterglow of GRB 190630B. A preliminary KAIT clear
band light curve is available at: