GCN Circular 24986
GRB 190627A: Discovery Channel Telescope late time observations
2019-07-05T16:02:47Z (6 years ago)
Simone Dichiara at UMCP/NASA/GSFC <dichiara@umd.edu>
S.Dichiara (UMD, NASA-GSFC), P. Gatkine (UMD), J.M. Durbak (UMD),
E. Troja (UMD, NASA-GSFC), S.B. Cenko (NASA-GSFC), A. Kutyrev (UMD,
NASA-GSFC), S. Veilleux (UMD), report on behalf of a larger
We observed at the optical counterpart of GRB 190106A (Sonbas et al.,
GCN 24888) using the Large Monolithic Imager (LMI) on the 4.3m Discovery
Channel Telescope (DCT) at Happy Jack, AZ. Observations started on July
05, 07:46:14 UT (about 7.85 days after the Swift trigger) with SDSS r
and i filters.
We detected the optical counterpart (Siegel & Sonbas, GCN 24889)
measuring the following AB magnitudes:
Start Time Exposure Filter Magnitude
(days from trigger) (s)
7.85 4x300 r' 23.36 +- 0.11
7.87 4x300 i' 23.17 +- 0.11
Magnitudes are calibrated against Pan-STARRS catalog.
We thank the staff of the Discovery Channel Telescope in particular
Casey Kyte, Ishara Nisley for assistance with these observations.