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GCN at AAS 245, Legacy Circulars Address Retirement. See news and announcements

GCN Circular 25203

LIGO/Virgo S190728q: declination for GCN 25202
2019-07-28T18:05:04Z (6 years ago)
Daniel Goldstein at Caltech <>
Danny Goldstein (Caltech)

GCN 25202 neglected to include the declination of the static source coincident with ZTF19abjethn. The corrected data are as follows:

Name     | RA (deg)    | DEC (deg)   | Filter | Mag   |  Magerr | Filter| Mag   | Magerr | Filter | Mag | Magerr | Filter
SDSS J214534.91+204126.2  | 326.395467148  | 20.690611120 | 23.456085 | 0.07854421 | g | 23.09552 | 0.07489753 |  r |   23.554304 | 0.36628282 | z

Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.
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