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GCN Circular 25206

LIGO/Virgo S190728q: LCO Follow-Up of ZTF19abjethn (AT2019lvs)
2019-07-28T20:43:25Z (6 years ago)
Michael Coughlin at Caltech/LIGO <>
Tomas Ahumada (UMD) and Michael W. Coughlin (Caltech) on behalf of the Global Relay of Observatories Watching Transients Happen (GROWTH) collaboration.

We used the 2-m telescope at the LCO node at Haleakala Observatory to obtain 180 second g,r, and i-band images for the ZTF optical transient ZTF19abjethn (AT2019lvs) listed in Kasliwal et al. (GCN 25199) starting at 14:50:26.164 UT on 2019-07-28.

The measurements of this transient are consistent with a significant rise in the r-and g-band magnitudes reported by both Kasliwal et al. (GCN 25199), on top of the rise reported by Smartt et al. (GCN 25204), albeit in a different band.

Magnitudes are derived after calibrating against PS1:

u = 18.4 +- 0.1

g  = 17.38 +- 0.03

r = 17.51 +- 0.04

i = 17.62 +- 0.04
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