GCN Circular 25472
LIGO/Virgo S190814bv: No radio counterpart to DG19wxnjc/AT2019npv in ASKAP observations
2019-08-25T04:26:24Z (6 years ago)
Dougal Dobie at VAST <ddobie94@gmail.com>
Dougal Dobie (University of Sydney/CSIRO), Tara Murphy (University of Sydney),
Emil Lenc (CSIRO), David Kaplan (UWM), Aidan Hotan (CSIRO), Adam Stewart
(University of Sydney) and the OzGrav, JAGWAR and GROWTH collaborations.
We report a non-detection of the optical transient DG19wxnjc/AT2019npv
(GCN 25393) in two recent observations with the Australian Square
Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) at a frequency of 943 MHz.
The 3-sigma upper limits at the position of this source are 75 uJy on
2019-08-16 and 96 uJy on 2019-08-23.
Both observations were a 30 sq. deg. field of the localisation region
of S190814bv (LVC, GCN 25324) centered on
RA = 00:50:37.5
Dec = -25:16:57.4
with a central frequency of 943 MHz with a bandwidth of 288 MHz,
as reported in GCN 25445.
Further analysis of these ASKAP observations are ongoing
and future epochs are planned.
Thank you to CSIRO staff for supporting these observations.