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GCN Circular 2553

GRB 040323, a dark GRB ?
2004-03-23T22:25:10Z (21 years ago)
Edited On
2024-11-18T09:44:38Z (2 months ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Astro. de Andalucia <>
Edited By
Judith Racusin at NASA/GSFC <> on behalf of Leo P. Singer at NASA/GSFC <>
GRB 040323, a dark GRB ?

A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel and A. de Ugarte (Instituto de
Astrofísica de Andalucía, IAA-CSIC, Granada), P. Tristram
(MJO, Canterbury Univ.), Ph. Yock (Auckland Univ.), M.
Jelínek (Astronomical Observatory, Ondrejov), M.D. Pérez-
Ramírez (Univ. de Jaén) and J. M. Castro Cerón (STScI, Baltimore)


"We have observed the field of the GRB 040323 detected by
INTEGRAL (GCN Circ. 2551, Mereghetti et al.) on 23 Mar 2004
(15:24 UT)  with the 0.6-m telescope at Canterbury's Univ. Mt.
John Observatory. Imagery was obtained in the I- and B-band
(300-s exposure time each). No optical variable source is detected
within the 2' radius error box provided by IBIS/IGRIS when
comparing to the DSS-2. Even if there is considerable absorption
towards this location (Av = 1.1), the fact that no afterglow is
detected 2.33 hr after the event in the MJO images down to the
DSS-2-Infrared limiting magnitude might be indicative of a dark
GRB. We therefore encourage further deep, near-infrared imaging
at larger telescopes."

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