GCN Circular 2553
GRB 040323, a dark GRB ?
2004-03-23T22:25:10Z (20 years ago)
Alberto Castro-Tirado at Inst.de Astro. de Andalucia <ajct@iaa.es>
GRB 040323, a dark GRB ?
A. J. Castro-Tirado, J. Gorosabel and A. de Ugarte (Instituto de
Astrof�sica de Andaluc�a, IAA-CSIC, Granada), P. Tristram
(MJO, Canterbury Univ.), Ph. Yock (Auckland Univ.), M.
Jel�nek (Astronomical Observatory, Ondrejov), M.D. P�rez-
Ram�rez (Univ. de Ja�n) and J. M. Castro Cer�n (STScI, Baltimore)
"We have observed the field of the GRB 040323 detected by
INTEGRAL (GCN Circ. 2551, Mereghetti et al.) on 23 Mar 2004
(15:24 UT) with the 0.6-m telescope at Canterbury's Univ. Mt.
John Observatory. Imagery was obtained in the I- and B-band
(300-s exposure time each). No optical variable source is detected
within the 2' radius error box provided by IBIS/IGRIS when
comparing to the DSS-2. Even if there is considerable absorption
towards this location (Av = 1.1), the fact that no afterglow is
detected 2.33 hr after the event in the MJO images down to the
DSS-2-Infrared limiting magnitude might be indicative of a dark
GRB. We therefore encourage further deep, near-infrared imaging
at larger telescopes."
This message is quotable.