GCN Circular 25559
LIGO/Virgo S190828l: No counterpart candidates in KAIT observations
2019-08-29T22:43:47Z (6 years ago)
Weikang Zheng at UC Berkeley <weikang@berkeley.edu>
Shaunak Modak, Sergiy Vasylyev, Thomas de Jaeger, Keto D. Zhang,
WeiKang Zheng, Andrew Hoffman, Benjamin E. Stahl, Yukei Murakami,
and Alexei V. Filippenko (UC Berkeley) report on behalf of
the Lick/KAIT GW follow-up team:
The 0.76-m Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), located at
Lick Observatory, observed the 90% region of the gravitational-wave
event S190828l (GCN 25503) detected by LIGO/Virgo. More than one
thousand galaxies were selected from the Glade catalog V1.0
(Dalya et al., 2018, MNRAS, 479, 2374; http://aquarius.elte.hu/glade/)
according to their priority score. KAIT observed 59 of them based on
their priority scores and elevation visibility, with each clear-filter
exposure time being 60 s. The first image was taken at 11:44:07, Aug.
29th UT, about 28.8 hours after the trigger, and the last image at
12:57:58 UT. Our typical limiting mag is 18.5. No viable counterparts
were identified and the analysis is ongoing. A full list of galaxies
observed by KAIT is given below.
GladeID UT(Aug29) RA_J2000 Dec_J2000
G0595607 11:44:07 03:00:30.444 +49:21:13.3848
G0768405 11:45:18 03:03:32.1653 +49:37:19.7688
G0777619 11:46:32 03:03:40.4251 +51:34:31.8144
G0672859 11:47:43 03:05:05.8877 +50:19:24.096
G0738775 11:48:59 03:06:24.3511 +52:34:54.9264
G0599454 11:50:08 03:10:38.0302 +48:52:10.7328
G0559089 11:51:20 03:27:21.6842 +49:59:01.0032
G0695101 11:52:31 03:37:07.4249 +49:03:08.7444
G0747552 11:53:52 05:11:53.8622 +45:37:14.2356
G0336853 11:55:02 05:13:42.0134 +46:00:58.4064
G0526083 11:56:11 05:16:39.1992 +45:34:27.9696
G1097965 11:57:20 05:17:19.7606 +42:05:05.9568
G0161517 11:58:30 05:17:54.7723 +42:24:03.852
G0626286 11:59:39 05:20:14.154 +43:18:21.4056
G1302293 12:00:48 05:22:14.6686 +41:28:19.902
G0736602 12:01:58 05:24:13.1177 +42:20:18.1356
G0886051 12:03:08 05:25:17.7338 +45:24:10.6488
G1147141 12:04:17 05:25:40.6294 +41:41:53.0124
G1243574 12:05:27 05:25:51.5258 +43:10:11.5536
G1231909 12:06:36 05:26:01.8293 +43:22:56.6292
G1200246 12:07:51 05:26:30.4121 +40:26:56.0076
G0606566 12:09:03 05:27:25.0322 +45:50:49.0344
G0186139 12:10:13 05:27:27.2882 +41:59:04.848
G1414478 12:11:22 05:27:33.9991 +46:11:58.0128
G0926148 12:12:32 05:27:37.8094 +44:08:45.9852
G0934140 12:13:43 05:27:40.9222 +46:09:53.9604
G0284079 12:14:52 05:28:03.9442 +43:09:14.1516
G0386281 12:16:02 05:28:04.477 +43:39:18.162
G1287779 12:17:13 05:28:15.5364 +43:04:08.1264
G1402290 12:18:22 05:29:42.7094 +45:30:00.8928
G0344496 12:25:25 05:29:45.3058 +43:32:20.7348
G0601049 12:26:34 05:29:55.4719 +44:34:38.8056
G0069319 12:27:48 05:30:02.8692 +44:11:51.8172
G0957486 12:28:57 05:30:03.521 +44:38:15.828
G0917178 12:30:13 05:30:04.8065 +41:54:08.2584
G1464030 12:31:22 05:30:04.931 +44:44:55.824
G1121082 12:32:31 05:30:43.9013 +42:25:50.6928
G0841668 12:33:41 05:30:49.9438 +41:12:59.1228
G1331307 12:34:50 05:30:56.1384 +42:40:15.6612
G1190621 12:35:59 05:31:05.7972 +40:40:39.4608
G1122787 12:37:09 05:31:17.3767 +41:54:59.4972
G0412661 12:38:18 05:31:24.0014 +45:52:02.6292
G1138379 12:39:27 05:31:38.6134 +41:45:04.8492
G1027891 12:40:37 05:31:38.9887 +42:30:19.5696
G1216616 12:41:46 05:31:42.2717 +40:59:51.8856
G1385195 12:42:53 05:31:59.0496 +40:46:44.9472
G1101923 12:44:03 05:32:01.8403 +41:39:29.9304
G1125001 12:45:12 05:32:05.5903 +41:40:03.918
G0747978 12:46:20 05:32:17.9518 +42:30:28.2348
G1017116 12:47:30 05:32:37.8588 +45:00:12.114
G1146557 12:48:39 05:33:00.1997 +41:40:23.5164
G0957979 12:49:48 05:33:11.9054 +44:45:11.3292
G1284321 12:50:58 05:33:34.1162 +47:04:33.3408
G0965263 12:52:07 05:33:37.11 +44:33:03.3192
G1417780 12:53:14 05:34:17.5286 +44:35:02.3028
G1471417 12:54:28 05:34:19.9183 +41:45:17.6184
G1176015 12:55:39 05:34:25.2338 +46:23:48.894
G1370730 12:56:48 05:34:56.1785 +44:41:19.86
G1422126 12:57:58 05:35:16.5382 +44:26:24.09