GCN Circular 2561
GRB 040403: Optical Observations
2004-04-03T12:53:51Z (20 years ago)
Jane Moran at U.North Carolina <moranj@physics.unc.edu>
J. Moran, M. Nysewander, and D. Reichart report on behalf of the FUN GRB
We imaged the entire ~30 square arcminute error circle of the INTEGRAL GRB
040403 (Gotz et al., GCN 2560) with the 0.6-meter Morehead Observatory
telescope beginning 70 minutes after the burst. We integrated in Rc for
4440 seconds under non-ideal conditions.
Visual comparison to the DSS/POSS2-Red reveals no obvious new source to our
limiting magnitude (Rc ~ 19 mag).