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GCN Circular 25620

LIGO/Virgo S190901ap: Hobby-Eberly Telescope VIRUS observations of target galaxy; no obvious optical counterpart.
2019-09-03T00:41:40Z (5 years ago)
J. Craig Wheeler at U.Texas Austin <>
M. J. B. Rosell, Sergey Rostopchin and Aaron Zimmerman, on behalf of the LIGO Hobby-Eberly Telescope Response (LIGHETR) team, report the spectroscopic observation of the field of S190901ap (GCN #24208) with the VIRUS IFU array. We took observations on our most likely target within a list of galaxies from the GLADE catalog that overlapped with the LIGO probability map and the observable pupil of the HET. The resulting data cube covers the wavelength 350 to 550 nm with a resolving power of 750. The effective limiting magnitude in the B band was 22 magnitudes. The field is 50x50 arc seconds. We observed the galaxy:

GW65.490150+1.838955 04:21:57.636 +01:50:20.24
A more detailed report of the results will be submitted later.
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