GCN Circular 25688
LIGO/Virgo S190901ap : No significant candidates found in GRANDMA citizen science observations
2019-09-09T13:53:09Z (6 years ago)
Jean-Gregoire Ducoin at LAL <ducoin@lal.in2p3.fr>
J.G. Ducoin (LAL), S. Antier (APC), B. Chabert (IRAP), D. Corre (LAL),
A. Klotz (IRAP), D. Turpin (NAOC), S. Basa (LAM), M. Boer (Artemis),
N. Christensen (Artemis), A. Coleiro (APC), M. Coughlin (Caltech),
D. Coward (OzGrav-UWA), P. Hello (LAL), N. Leroy (LAL),
C. Thone (HETH/IAA-CSIC), X. Wang (THU)
Report on behalf of the GRANDMA collaboration.
We performed galaxy-targeted observations of the LIGO/Virgo event
S190901ap event (GCN #25606) with the amator astronomers
of GRANDMA citizen science program "kilonova-catcher" created
Denis St-Gelais, Raymond Kneip and Peter Jaquiery performed
galaxy-targeted observations in clear filter of the S190901ap event.
Denis St-Gelais imaged 8 fields with a 36-cm telescope located
in Quer��taro (Mexico): the typical limiting magnitude is 19 for
a 60.0 s exposure. Peter Jaquiery imaged 8 fields
with a 35-cm telescope at Berverly-Begg Observatory (New Zealand):
the typical magnitude is 18.5 for an exposure time of 10 min.
Raymond Kneip imaged four fields with K26 35-cm telescope
at Contern observatory (Luxembourg): the typical limiting magnitude
is 18.5 mag for 20 min exposure.
The target galaxies are selected from the list of potential host
galaxies from the GLADE catalog in the 90% credible area of the
localization region of the LIGO/Virgo GW event. Note that these
galaxies are compatible within 3 sigma with the distance of the
GW event.
No significant transient candidates were found during our analysis.
The coverage map is available at:
The list of the galaxies we observed is given in the tables below.
TStart and TEnd refers respectively to the time of the first and last
exposure for a given galaxy. Observations are not necessarily continuous
in this interval.
|TStart | TEnd | Galaxy | RA | DEC | Dist.|
|[UTC] | [UTC] | name | [deg] | [deg] | [Mpc]|
|2019-09-02|2019-09-02|HyperLEDA 58263 |247.161 |39.0833 |142.86|
| 20:45:30 | 20:57:30 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 03582008-0532062 |59.5837 |-5.5351 |280.33|
| 04:10:12 | 04:36:04 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 17054435+2214502 |256.4348|22.2473 |213.86|
| 04:42:08 | 05:09:20 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA HIZOAJ1825-07|276.488 |-7.1932 |162.92|
| 05:21:17 | 05:50:26 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA HIZOAJ1814-08|273.762 |-8.6037 |160.01|
| 05:55:27 | 06:04:02 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 02262568-2820588 |36.6070 |-28.3497|311.49|
| 07:23:29 | 07:50:49 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 02351345-2936166 |38.80607|-29.6046|267.85|
| 08:06:32 | 08:42:21 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 03111883-2046184 |47.82849|-20.7718|305.52|
| 09:03:31 | 09:30:46 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 03415732-1106138 |55.48884|-11.1039|246.10|
| 09:36:01 | 10:34:18 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 23263752-6106015 |351.6563|-61.1004|177.63|
| 09:44:34 | 10:04:34 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA HIZOAJ1825-07|276.488 |-7.19323|162.92|
| 10:21:07 | 10:41:07 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA HIZOAJ1814-08|273.762 |-8.60367|160.01|
| 11:15:29 | 11:35:29 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA ESO410-024 |9.11416 |-27.7854|149.38|
| 11:28:45 | 11:37:45 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA ESO351-016 |13.09514|-35.0007|200.54|
| 12:21:09 | 12:31:09 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA ESO411-028 |13.47525|-31.0955|137.69|
| 12:38:20 | 12:48:20 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|HyperLEDA ESO352-002 |16.1265 |-33.6544|141.76|
| 12:58:27 | 13:18:27 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 01234572-5848208 |20.94051|-58.8058|205.94|
| 13:28:49 | 13:48:49 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 16350144+3054117 |248.7560|30.90327|300.65|
| 19:52:00 | 20:15:00 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 17111820+1650431 |257.8259|16.84531|252.86|
| 20:19:00 | 20:42:00 | | | | |
|2019-09-03|2019-09-03|2MASS 18350342+3241471 |278.7642|32.69643|258.88|
| 20:45:00 | 21:08:00 | | | | |
GRANDMA (Global Rapid Advanced Network Devoted to the Multi-messenger
Addicts) is a network of robotic telescopes connected all over the
world with both photometry and spectrometry capabilities for
Time-domain Astronomy (https://grandma.lal.in2p3.fr/). Details on the
GRANDMA web pages and the citizen science program "kilonova-catcher"
are available on https://grandma-kilonovacatcher.lal.in2p3.fr/