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GCN Circular 25724

LIGO/Virgo S190901ap: WHT spectroscopy of Gaia19dzi
2019-09-11T06:10:54Z (5 years ago)
Giacomo Cannizzaro at SRON <>
G. Cannizzaro (SRON/Radboud Univ), I. Pastor-Marazuela (API/ASTRON), P. Jonker (SRON/Radboud Univ) report on behalf of the GW@WHT collaboration:

We obtained optical spectroscopy of Gaia19dzi (GCN 25716), an optical transient within the LIGO/Virgo S190901ap  sky localisation (GCN 25606) with the ACAM instrument mounted on the William Herschel Telescope located at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, La Palma, Spain. We cross-correlate the transient spectra with a library of supernova template spectra using the code SNID (Blondin and Tonry, 2007). 

Gaia19dzi is classified as a SNIa, with a redshift of z=0.06. 

[GCN OPS NOTE(11sep19):  Per author's request, in the Subject-line and
first sentence the "S190910ap" was changed to "S190901ap".]
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