GCN Circular 26478
LIGO/Virgo S191216ap: Nanshan follow-up observations
2019-12-17T18:14:17Z (5 years ago)
Dong Xu at NAOC/CAS <dxu@nao.cas.cn>
D. Xu, Z.P. Zhu, H.J. Wang, L. Ge, T.M. Zhang, X. Zhou, C.Z. Cui, Y.F.
Xu (NAOC), X. Zhang, J.Z. Liu (XAO), H.B. Zhao, B. Li (PMO), J.R. Mao
(YNAO), X. Gao (Urumqi No.1 Senior High School) report on behalf of the
GWFUNC collaboration:
We observed the localization regions of the LIGO/Virgo gravitational
wave trigger S191216ap (GCN #26454), the IceCube neutrino counterpart
candidate (GCN #26460), and the HAWC gamma-ray counterpart candidate
(GCN #26472), using the Nanshan 1-meter telescope with the FOV of
1.3x1.3 deg^2. Observations started at 11:57:05 UT and ended at 15:19:31
UT on 2019-12-17.
Our survey area covers No.1 (ra: 323.124298, dec: 5.346313) and No.4
(ra: 323.298126, dec: 4.682521) GLADE galaxies, reported in Kumar et al.
(GCN #26476). No 1. galaxy has m(r) ~ 15.67 mag in our image, being
consistent with m(r) = 15.60 mag in SDSS. No. 4 galaxy has m(r) ~ 17.02
mag in our image, being consistent with m(r) = 16.99 mag in SDSS. Any
significant optical transient within these two galaxies can be ruled out.
Full data analysis of the searching is ongoing.