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GCN Circular 26490

LIGO/Virgo S191213g: HCT spectroscopy of PS19hgw / AT2019wxt
2019-12-18T21:59:53Z (5 years ago)
Varun Bhalerao at Indian Inst of Tech <>
A. Dutta (IIAP), B. Kumar (IIAP), H. Kumar (IITB), J. Shejeelammal (IIAP), C. G. Anaswar (IIAP), V. Bhalerao (IITB), G. C. Anupama (IIAP), D. Perley (LJMU) report on behalf of the GROWTH collaboration:

We obtained a spectrum of the Pan-STARRS1 candidate counterpart PS19hgw/AT2019wxt (O. McBrien et al., GCN 26485) for the binary neutron star candidate S191213g (GCN 26402) with the HFOSC instrument on the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope. We used Grism 7 to obtain a wavelength coverage from approximately 3800 - 7500 angstroms with a resolution of 1200. We took a 3600 second exposure, centred at UT 2019-12-18T18:05:19.

The source has a blue, relatively featureless spectrum. Standard galaxy lines are seen at z=0.036, the redshift of the host galaxy. Further observations are encouraged.
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