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GCN Circular 2653

XRF040812: GMRT observations
2004-08-24T10:48:05Z (20 years ago)
D. Bhattacharya at Raman Research Inst. <>
C.H. Ishwara Chandra and A.P. Rao (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, 
Pune, India), L. Resmi and D. Bhattacharya (Raman Research Institute,
Bangalore, India) report:

We imaged the XRF040812 field at 1280 MHz on Aug 16, 2004 using the
Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope.  The following previously uncatalogued 
sources were detected within a 15' field of view centered at the 
position of the VLA source reported by Soderberg et al (2004, GCN 2643).

      No.  RA (J2000)   Dec (J2000)   flux (mJy)
      1.  16 26 08.404  -44 41 27.2     0.8
      2.  16 26 15.674  -44 43 56.2     2.5
      3.  16 26 13.025  -44 47 08.8     1.9
      4.  16 26 08.795  -44 47 46.0     1.0
      5.  16 26 09.448  -44 47 51.0     1.9

Typical astrometric uncertainties in the above coordinates are
expected to be better than an arcsec, but ionospheric refraction due to
low elevation could introduce a systematic shift up to 2 arc sec. 
All sources except no. 5 are point sources. Source no. 5 shows extended 

We note that source no. 1 in the above list is within 2 arc sec
of source no. 4 in the list of Chandra sources reported by Patel
et al (2004, GCN 2648), and could be coincident with it.

No detectable emission was found at the location of the VLA source
(GCN 2643).

At present we are unable to determine the extent of variability,
if any, of the above sources.

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