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GCN Circular 26642

LIGO/Virgo S200105ae: We have issued GCN Notices to support automated processing
2020-01-06T19:44:14Z (5 years ago)
Peter Shawhan at U of Maryland/LSC <>
The LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration report:

We initially reported the subthreshold GW compact binary merger
candidate S200105ae in GCN Circular 26640.  We have now issued a pair
of GCN Notices (Preliminary and Initial) for this candidate in order
to support users who rely on Notices for getting sky maps and
scheduling observations.  These Notices are identical and do not
contain any updated information about the candidate; in particular,
the p_astro and em_bright probabilities in the Notice are from the
initial real-time processing and are not considered accurate, as
explained in Circular 26640.
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