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GCN Circular 26750

LIGO/Virgo S200114f: SAGUARO previous detection of ZTF candidate ZTF20aafeaqk (AT2020vx)
2020-01-14T22:22:50Z (5 years ago)
Michael J. Lundquist at University of Arizona <>
Michael J. Lundquist, David J. Sand (UA), Kerry Paterson, Wen-fai Fong,
Jillian Rastinejad (Northwestern), Jennifer Andrews (UA), Sam Wyatt (UA),
Eric Christensen, Alex Gibbs, Frank Shelly, report on behalf of the SAGUARO

Following Andreoni et al. (GCN 26741), we report a previous SAGUARO
(Lundquist et al. 2019) detection at the position of the candidate
ZTF20aafeaqk (AT2020vx), from 2019 Nov 24.  The object was detected in a
stack of 4 images at the location of the transient (RA = 7:08:43.698, Dec

MJD | AB Magnitude | Error

58811.4420504 | 20.86 | 0.17

This detection was in data taken with the 1.5m Catalina Sky Survey (CSS)
telescope on Mt. Lemmon, AZ during routine operations, calibrated to Gaia G.

We believe ZTF20aafeaqk (AT2020vx) to be unrelated to the LIGO/Virgo event

SAGUARO is supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Nos.
AST-1909358 and AST-1908972.
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