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GCN Circular 26803

LIGO/Virgo S200114f: No transients found in J-GEM observations of nearby galaxies
2020-01-17T15:59:45Z (5 years ago)
Hiroki Onozato at University of Hyogo <>
R. Tanaka; K. Daikuhara; Y. Sekiguchi (Toho U.); K. Yanagisawa (NAOJ); T. Nakaoka; K. Takagi; M. Sasada; K. S. Kawabata (Hiroshima U.); H. Onozato, J. Takahashi (Hyogo U.); K. Ohta (Kyoto U.); F. Abe (Nagoya U.); M. Tanaka (Tohoku U.) on behalf of J-GEM collaboration

We report imaging observations for the gravitational wave event S200114f (LVC, GCN Circ. 26734). We started our observations from 2020-01-14 17:55 UT (MJD=58862.75) about 16 hour after the event and ended at 2020-01-16 11:56 UT (MJD=58864.50).

We performed galaxy-targeted observations for 56 galaxies (see the table below) selected from the Catalog and Atlas of the LV galaxies (LVG) (Karachentsev et al., 2004) and the GLADE catalog (Dalya et al. 2018) in the probability skymap of S200114f using the following telescopes and instruments.

We found no apparent transient objects in these galaxies to 5 sigma limiting magnitudes in the AB system listed below.

   galid         ra      dec    dist  J    H    Ks   R          obsid       
-------------- -------- -------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -------------------
UGCA193        150.6508 -6.0119  9.7  --   18.2 --   19.3 Kanata-HONIR       
SexA           152.7533 -4.6928  1.45 --   18.7 --   19.2 Kanata-HONIR       
MCG_-01-26-009 150.39   -6.525   9.7  --   18.3 --   18.8 Kanata-HONIR       
GALFA-Dw4      86.4367  10.7711  7.22 18.5 18.0 17.5 --   Nayuta-NIC,OAOWFC  
KKSG15         148.7937 -6.27    9.7  --   17.4 --   18.2 Kanata-HONIR       
NGC3115        151.3083 -7.7186  9.68 --   16.7 --   17.5 Kanata-HONIR       
KKSG18         151.4233 -7.9814  9.7  --   --   --   18.7 Kanata-HONIR       
UGC03303       81.2479  4.505    7.14 --   15.2 --   --   Kanata-HONIR       
KKSG17         150.41   -8.2489  9.7  --   18.2 --   18.7 Kanata-HONIR       
KK49           85.4229  6.6817   5.15 18.2 18.1 17.8 --   OAOWFC,Nayuta-NIC  
ESO483-013     63.1712  -23.1589 7.4  18.5 --   --   --   OAOWFC             
Orion          86.2583  5.0683   6.46 17.4 17.8 17.2 --   OAOWFC,Nayuta-NIC  
A0554+07       89.4029  7.4919   5.5  18.1 18.4 18.0 --   Nayuta-NIC         
IC0559         146.1829 9.6153   9.4  18.0 18.5 --   --   OAOWFC,Kanata-HONIR
DDO047         115.4792 16.8006  8.17 --   18.4 --   19.4 Kanata-HONIR       
KK65           115.63   16.5611  7.98 --   18.1 --   19.7 Kanata-HONIR       
SexDSph        153.2625 -1.6144  0.09 --   18.6 --   19.5 Kanata-HONIR       
AGC174585      114.0429 9.9864   7.73 --   18.3 --   19.5 Kanata-HONIR       
UGC03755       108.4658 10.5219  7.69 17.8 18.5 --   19.6 OAOWFC,Kanata-HONIR

    galid         ra      dec     dist    R    J    H      obsid    
--------------- -------- ------- -------- ---- ---- ---- ------------
GL071852+154033 109.7152 15.676  149.7351 19.4 --   18.1 Kanata-HONIR
GL071845+145748 109.6861 14.9632 130.0695 19.6 --   18.3 Kanata-HONIR
GL072133+151443 110.3871 15.2453 121.4037 19.8 --   18.3 Kanata-HONIR
GL071720+170810 109.3354 17.136  117.0489 20.6 --   19.1 Kanata-HONIR
GL071709+170909 109.2889 17.1524 103.1961 20.6 --   19.1 Kanata-HONIR
GL071904+173407 109.7671 17.5685 195.1108 20.7 --   19.3 Kanata-HONIR
GL071623+163821 109.0957 16.639  59.5044  19.9 --   18.7 Kanata-HONIR
GL071847+174335 109.6968 17.7263 176.0128 20.1 --   18.8 Kanata-HONIR
GL072201+145837 110.5043 14.9769 187.75   20.2 --   19.0 Kanata-HONIR
GL071622+170440 109.0936 17.0776 184.4045 17.9 --   17.4 Kanata-HONIR
GL072235+152917 110.6464 15.488  159.6764 19.8 --   18.6 Kanata-HONIR
GL072235+161218 110.6446 16.2049 116.4286 20.1 --   19.3 Kanata-HONIR
GL072220+171713 110.5836 17.2869 36.6017  19.2 --   17.8 Kanata-HONIR
GL071536+150837 108.898  15.1436 66.3962  --   18.0 --   OAOWFC      
GL071535+150837 108.8977 15.1436 69.2797  --   18.0 --   OAOWFC      
GL071543+145815 108.9296 14.9708 131.15   --   18.0 --   OAOWFC      
GL071851+133129 109.712  13.5247 65.5892  18.7 --   17.5 Kanata-HONIR
GL071452+142253 108.7168 14.3813 124.0912 19.7 --   18.5 Kanata-HONIR
GL071240+180941 108.1675 18.1615 186.3849 --   18.2 --   OAOWFC      
GL071936+124014 109.9003 12.6707 119.1697 21.1 --   19.7 Kanata-HONIR
GL071311+185631 108.2938 18.9419 145.9523 --   17.8 --   OAOWFC      
GL071204+180027 108.0146 18.0076 131.0155 --   18.2 --   OAOWFC      
GL071310+185946 108.2929 18.9961 72.2583  --   17.8 --   OAOWFC      
GL071248+184749 108.1999 18.7969 192.7041 --   17.8 --   OAOWFC      
GL071145+180852 107.9363 18.1479 155.8316 --   18.2 --   OAOWFC      
GL071150+181518 107.9597 18.2551 73.6389  --   18.2 --   OAOWFC      
GL071141+180841 107.9205 18.1448 185.7368 --   18.2 --   OAOWFC      
GL071214+184901 108.0576 18.8171 132.0515 --   17.8 --   OAOWFC      
GL071242+142548 108.1734 14.4301 122.0519 20.3 --   19.0 Kanata-HONIR
GL072527+130403 111.3637 13.0676 147.6425 15.7 --   14.5 Kanata-HONIR
GL071150+190004 107.9573 19.0012 183.6792 --   17.8 --   OAOWFC      
GL071311+134507 108.2944 13.7519 169.5679 20.3 --   19.1 Kanata-HONIR
GL071553+120654 108.969  12.1149 30.1852  --   --   19.0 Kanata-HONIR
GL072540+120523 111.4156 12.0898 132.9442 16.9 --   15.9 Kanata-HONIR
GL071105+144312 107.7713 14.7201 150.29   20.7 --   19.3 Kanata-HONIR
GL072557+120332 111.4872 12.0589 132.9218 16.9 --   --   Kanata-HONIR
GL071726+124102 109.3597 12.6838 178.0517 20.4 --   19.3 Kanata-HONIR

Kanata-HONIR: 150 cm Kanata telescope at Higashi-Hiroshima Observatory and HONIR -- a 2 channel imager (Rc and H or J) (Akitaya et al. 2014, Proc. SPIE 9147, 91474O)
Nayuta-NIC: 200 cm Nayuta telescope at Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory and Nishiharima Infrared Camera, NIC (J, H, Ks)
OAOWFC: 91 cm Okayama Astrophysical Observatory NIR Wide Field Camera, OAOWFC (J) (Yanagisawa et al., 2019, PASJ, 71, 118)
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