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GCN Circular 27067

LIGO/Virgo S200213t: No Counterparts from GECKO observation of host galaxy candidates in GW-neutrino detection overlap area
2020-02-14T10:32:59Z (5 years ago)
Gregory SungHak Paek at SNU <>
Gregory S.H. Paek (SNU), Myungshin Im (SNU), Hyun-Il Sung (KASI), Gu Lim
(SNU), Joonho Kim (SNU), Sungyong Hwang (SNU), Bomi Park (SNU), Sophia Kim
(SNU), Changsu Choi (SNU), Chung-Uk Lee (KASI), Seung-Lee Kim (KASI), Hyung
Mok Lee (KASI), on behalf of GECKO team

 We observed 4 host galaxy candidates with the 1.0-m telescope at the
Lemonsan Optical Astronomical Observatory(LOAO) in the initial localization
area of S200213t (Singer et al, GCN #27042) overlapped with neutrino
detection area (Hussain et al, GCN #27043).

The observation started at 2020-02-14 02:37:28 UT, 0.94 days after GW
trigger and each image was taken in R-band with 30 minutes exposure time.
No obvious transient has been identified. The list of the inspected targets
is given below.

NAME                   DISTANCE[Mpc] DATE-OBS                FILTER UL[AB]
---------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ------ -------
PGC11312               169           2020-02-14T02:37:28.000      R  21.676
2MASS+03012583+3135093 254           2020-02-14T03:15:37.333      R  21.626
UGC02483               92            2020-02-14T04:04:08.933      R  21.511
2MASS+03014097+3153413 97            2020-02-14T04:43:56.667      R  21.163

We thank the LOAO opertator for performing the observation.

Gravitational-wave EM Counterpart Korean Observatory (GECKO) is a network
of 10+ 0.5m to 1m class telescopes over the world.
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