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GCN Circular 27085

LIGO/Virgo S200213t: Pre-discovery detections of MASTER OT J044008.76-651302.3
2020-02-15T19:23:48Z (5 years ago)
Przemek Mroz at Warsaw U. Observatory <>
Przemek Mroz (Caltech), Mariusz Gromadzki (Warsaw), Andrzej Udalski
(Warsaw), on behalf of the OGLE team:

MASTER OT J044008.76-651302.3 (GCN 27077) is located in the field LMC542
that is regularly observed by the <a
survey (Udalski et al. 2015). The object was detected on images taken on
2020-02-04 and 2020-02-12, before the LIGO/Virgo trigger. It is therefore
unrelated to S200213t.

I-band magnitudes:

2020-02-04 03:29:43UT 19.61
2020-02-12 01:53:19UT 18.91
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