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GCN Circular 270

GRB981220, IPN localization
1999-03-03T18:53:32Z (26 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley (UC Berkeley Space Sciences Laboratory) on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and M. Feroci (IAS -
Rome) on behalf of the BeppoSAX GRB Team, report:

A refined IPN annulus for GRB981220 has been obtained
by triangulation between Ulysses and BeppoSAX.  It is
centered at RA(2000)=347.398 degrees, Delta(2000)=+07.340 degrees,
with radius 67.118 degrees, and 3 sigma half-width 0.015
degrees.  The radio source reported by Frail et al. (GCN 170)
and by Galama et al. (GCN 168) lies 0.027 degrees from the
center line of the annulus, and is therefore outside it.
Further refinement in the annulus half-width is possible,
but we can state with some certainty that the position of
the radio source is incompatible with that of the gamma-ray
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