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GCN Circular 27140

LIGO/Virgo S200213t: Keck/LRIS spectroscopy of counterpart candidates from the Zwicky Transient Facility
2020-02-19T17:18:10Z (5 years ago)
Kishalay De at Caltech, GROWTH <>
Kishalay De (Caltech) reports on behalf of the ZTF and GROWTH collaborations

We report optical spectroscopy of four counterpart candidates
announced by the Zwicky Transient Facility (GCN #27051, #27065) in the
localization region of LIGO/Virgo S200213t (LVC, GCN #27042, #27096),
using the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (Oke et al. 1995) on the
Keck-I 10 m telescope. Observations were performed on UT 2020-02-18.

ZTF20aanaltd / AT2020clt shows features consistent with a SN Ia at z = 0.20.
ZTF20aanamcs / AT2020crc shows broad P-Cygni Balmer emission lines at
z = 0.093, consistent with a SN II.
ZTF20aamvpvx / AT2020clx shows broad Balmer emission features at z =
0.074, consistent with a SN II
ZTF20aamvmzj / AT2020cja  shows a blue featureless continuum.
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