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GCN Circular 27178

GRB 200224C: Fermi GBM Final Real-time Localization
2020-02-24T10:09:03Z (5 years ago)
Fermi GBM Team at MSFC/Fermi-GBM <>
The Fermi GBM team reports the detection of a likely SHORT GRB

At 09:58:44 UT on 24 Feb 2020, the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) triggered and located GRB 200224A (trigger 604231129.56693 / 200224416).

The on-ground calculated location, using the Fermi GBM trigger data, is RA = 270.5, Dec = -56.8 (J2000 degrees, equivalent to J2000 18h 02m, -56d 47'), with a statistical uncertainty of 6.0 degrees.

The angle from the Fermi LAT boresight is 151.0 degrees.

The skymap can be found here:

The HEALPix FITS file, including the estimated localization systematic, can be found here:

The GBM light curve can be found here:

[GCN OPS NOTE(24feb20): This is the seventh Circular in the sequence of 8 circulars
which were all labeled A because of the sequence assigner being offline.
This circular was orginally, incorrectly labelled A, but the true letter identity is C.]
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