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GCN Circular 27230

LIGO/Virgo S200224car: GRAWITA VST-ESO PARANAL observations.
2020-02-26T23:24:30Z (5 years ago)
Aniello Grado at INAF-OAC <>
AUTHORS: A. Grado (INAF-Napoli), E. Cappellaro (INAF-Padova),
(INAF-Napoli), E. Brocato (INAF-Abruzzo), R. Carini (INAF-Roma), S. Covino
(INAF-Brera), P. D'Avanzo (INAF-Brera), F. Getman (INAF-Napoli), L. Nicastro
(INAF-OAS), A. Rossi (INAF-Bologna), on behalf of GRAWITA.

We observed the field of the gravitational wave event S200224ca (GCN
circular #27184) in r' band with the VLT Survey Telescope (VST) equipped
with Omegacam (1 square degree FOV) (Proposal ID ESO 0104.D-0049).
We secured one epoch of observations on the night 2020-02-25 between
03:52:02 and 06:35:01 UTC with an average FWHM of 1.02 arcsec.

The observations cover 26 square degrees enclosing ~ 63% of the
localization probability region.
Each one square degree pointing is the coaddition of three dithered
exposures for a total exposure time of 135 seconds.

After image subtraction analysis using as reference image  PAN-STARR we
identify the following transients:

(RA(J2000), Dec (J2000), mag(AB), comments)
11:40:02.113 -11:41:18.71   20.7   -
11:34:41.363 -08:47:03.82   19.8   nuclear in GLADE galaxy at 1157 Mpc
11:33:43.116 -08:09:45.49   20.3   -
11:37:21.710 -11:44:48.19   20.6   -
11:41:09.771 -10:07:39.56   20.9   -

We acknowledge excellent support from ESO observing staff in Paranal.
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