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GCN Circular 27293

LIGO/Virgo S200224ca: No counterpart candidates in TOROS observations
2020-03-03T01:57:38Z (5 years ago)
Richard Camuccio at TOROS <>
Mario Diaz (UTRGV/CGWA), Diego Garcia Lambas (IATE), Lucas Macri (TAMU),
Jose Luis Nilo Castellon (Univ La Serena), Omar Lopez-Cruz (UNAM)

Richard Camuccio (UTRGV/CGWA), Martell Valencia (UTRGV/CGWA), Victor Perez
(UTRGV/CGWA), Wahltyn Rattray (UTRGV/CGWA) are reporting on behalf of the
TOROS collaboration.

We report the following targeted observations in response to S200224ca
conducted by
the Cristina Torres Memorial Observatory (CTMO) in Brownsville, Texas:

SDSS J113309.58-085247.9, RA: 173.289917 deg, Dec: -8.879995 deg
SDSS J113813.09-113309.0, RA: 174.558000 deg, Dec: -11.552510 deg
SDSS J113817.07-113633.2, RA: 174.574000 deg, Dec: -11.609180 deg
SDSS J113440.11-074557.5, RA: 173.667145 deg, Dec: -7.765990 deg

Observations were conducted on 2020-02-25 from 04:00 to 06:00 UT and
2020-03-01 from 04:00 to 09:00 UT using the CTMO CDK17 optical astrograph
and ProLine 16803 CCD camera (43 arcminute FOV). For 02-25 observations, we
took 10x30-second exposures in SDSS u'-band at 1x1 binning. For 03-01
observations, we took 15x60-second unfiltered exposures at 2x2 binning.
Source search is ongoing and we will report any positive transient
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