GCN Circular 2746
GRB 040924: WSRT Radio Observations
2004-09-25T14:06:38Z (20 years ago)
Alexander van der Horst at U of Amsterdam <avdhorst@science.uva.nl>
A.J. van der Horst (University of Amsterdam), E. Rol (University of
Leicester) and R.A.M.J. Wijers (University of Amsterdam) report on behalf
of a larger collaboration:
"We observed the position of the GRB 040924 afterglow at 4.9 GHz with the
Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope at September 25, 0.41 - 7.36 UT, i.e.
12.54 - 19.49 hours after the burst (GCN 2735). We do not detect a radio
source at the position of the optical afterglow (GCN 2734), with a 3 sigma
upper limit of 0.12 mJy."
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