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GCN Circular 2778

GRB041006, optical I observation
2004-10-07T07:57:05Z (20 years ago)
Karl Glazebrook at Johns Hopkins <>
E. Hoversten, K. Chiu, E. Nissen, C. Kelleman, K. Glazebrook (Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

We have observed a 7x11 arcminute field centered on the afterglow of
GRB041006 (GCN 2770) with the Morris Offit 20in Telescope of the Maryland
Space Grant Consortium.   The telescope is located in downtown Baltimore,
Maryland and the observations were made with a student built CCD camera on
the night of 7 October 2004.  Images were obtained in I band at midpoint
time 7 October 2004 UT 05:10:22, with a total exposure of 7200 seconds.

We do not detect an optical counterpart, and place an preliminary upper
limit on its magnitude at I=19.1 based on the faintest objects detectable
in the field.  Aperture photometry was made with APPHOT in a 9 arcsecond
aperture, with relative photometry assuming I=16.1 (USNO-A2.0 red
magnitude 16.2) for the reference star at 00:54:38.09 +01:12:59.9.

Our image of the field may be viewed at

More detailed analysis of data will follow.  This message may be cited.

The Maryland Space Grant Consortium Observatory is supported by NASA's
National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. Further information
is available at
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