GCN Circular 28033
GRB 200623A : SMA observations at Swift/XRT Source #3
2020-06-26T07:19:35Z (5 years ago)
Yuji Urata at Nat. Central U. <urata@astro.ncu.edu.tw>
Kuiyun Huang (CYCU), Yuji Urata (NCU), Glen Petitpas (CfA)
We used SMA to observe the location of the Swift/XRT source #3
(Evans, GCN Circ. 28015) as one of the afterglow candidates of
GRB200623A (Fermi/GBM Team, GCN Circ. 28011; DeLaunay et al., GCN
Circ. 28013, 28016). The 230 GHz observation was started at ~1 days
after the burst. No clear submm source at the Swift/XRT sources #3
position was found brighter than ~1 mJy.
We thank the staff of SMA.