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GCN Circular 2814

GRB041006: Near Infrared observations
2004-10-16T08:46:26Z (20 years ago)
Kenzo Kinugasa at Gunma Astro. Obs/Japan <>
K. Kinugasa, and E. Nishihara (Gunma Astronomical Observatory) report;

The sky position of optical afterglow (Da Costa et al. GCN 2765) of 
GRB041006 (Galassi et al. GCN 2770) was observed  in J-, H-, and 
Ks-band on the night of 2004 Oct. 6 at GAO, Gunma, Japan, using 
the 1.5-m telescope and the IR Camera.  The observation started at 
14:40 UT (142 min after the GRB trigger). 

We find no transient brighter than J~16.5, H~16.0, and Ks~14.0 at the 
position of the optical afterglow (Da Costa et al. GCN2765) compared 
with 2MASS JHK magnitudes.

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