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GCN Circular 28154

GRB 200716C: Kitab optical observations
2020-07-23T09:34:07Z (5 years ago)
Alexei Pozanenko at IKI, Moscow <>
S. Belkin (IKI), A. Pozanenko (IKI), A. Zhornichenko (KIAM), A. 
Novichonok (Petrozavodsk State University, KIAM), Sh. Ehgamberdiev 
(UBAI) report on behalf of IKI-GRB-FuN:

We observed GRB 200716C  (Fermi GBM team, GCN 28123; Ukwatta et al GCN 
28124; Ohno et al., GCN 28130; Ursi et al., GCN 28133; Torii et al., GCN 
28139; Xue et al., GCN 28145; Frederiks et al., GCN 28147) with RC-36 
telescope of Kitab observatory starting July 17 (UT) 17:24:57.   The 
optical afterglow (Ukwatta et al., GCN 28124; Lipunov et al., GCN 28125; 
Hu et al., GCN 28126; Kumar et al., GCN 28138; Gokuldass et al., GCN 
28146; Jelinek et al., GCN 28149; Pozanenko et al., GCN 28151; Kann  et 
al., GCN 28152)  is detected in a stacked image. Despite we do not 
detect possible host galaxy (D���Avanzo et al., GCN 28132) the galaxy may 
contaminate photometry result.   Preliminary photometry of the afterglow 
   is following

Date       UT start  t-T0    Filter Exp.   OT   Err. UL
                     (mid, days)     (s)

2020-07-17 17:24:57  0.78952 R      59*60  18.2 0.3  18.6

The photometry is based  on nearby stars of USNO-B1.0

USNO-B1.0_id R2
1196-0207884 15.42
1197-0206830 14.99
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