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GCN Circular 281

GRB 990316, Radio observations
1999-03-21T22:34:17Z (26 years ago)
Titus Galama at U.Amsterdam <>
T.J. Galama, P.M. Vreeswijk, E. Rol (U. of Amsterdam), J. van Paradijs
(U. of Amsterdam and U. of Alabama in Huntsville), C. Kouveliotou
(USRA/MSFC), R.G. Strom (NFRA and U. of Amsterdam) and A.G. de Bruyn
(NFRA and U. of Groningen) report:

"We have observed the location of the LOTIS candidate optical
transient reported by Park et al (GCN 277) with the Westerbork
Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) at 4.88 GHz on March 20.90 (for 11
hours). We do not find any radio source brighter than 130 microJy (3
sigma) in a 2 x 2 arcmin region around the LOTIS position."

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