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GCN Circular 2852

GRB041211: Faulkes Telescope continued optical monitoring
2004-12-17T19:10:01Z (20 years ago)
Alessandro Monfardini at JMU/Liverpool Robotic Tele <>
A. Monfardini, C. Guidorzi, C.J. Mottram, C. Mundell (Liverpool John 
Moores University) and the Liverpool GRB team, on behalf of the larger 
Robonet consortium, report:

"We obtained late BVRI images of the SXC error box of GRB041211 (GCN 2839) 
with the 2-m Faulkes Telescope North on Maui. New observations began on 
December 15.549 UT (4.069 days after the GRB) under average seeing conditions.

We compared 3x120 sec. R filter exposures with an early 120 sec exposure 
(GCN 2845). We found no significant variations or disappearances. 
We thus conclude:

Time from GRB   Time from GRB   ExpTime    Filter    Limit Mag.
(days)          (hours)         (s)
0.140           3.36            120        R         > 21.5

The probability of chance positional coincidence with a field star has 
been estimated to be approximately 0.06.

The above limit magnitude has been derived using the calibration provided
by Henden et al. (GCN 2844)."

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