GCN Circular 28547
IceCube-200926A: JCMT/SCUBA2 observations
2020-10-02T08:19:50Z (4 years ago)
Yuji Urata at Nat. Central U. <urata@astro.ncu.edu.tw>
Y. Urata (NCU) and K. Huang (CYCU)
We observed the field of IceCube-200926A (GCN 28532) using SCUAB-2 attached to JCMT.
The observation was started at 2020/09/28 13:21 UTC and
SCUBA2 imaged the field centered at RA 06:25:50 Dec -4:19:48 with 50 arcmin diameter.
We could not find any sources on the 850um image with the final map noise of 4.5 mJy.
We thanks staffs of East Asian Observatory.