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GCN Circular 2854

GRB041217: Infrared Observations
2004-12-18T13:47:07Z (20 years ago)
Josh Bloom at Harvard/CFA <>
GRB041217: Infrared Observations

J. S. Bloom (CfA/UCB) reports on behalf of a larger group:

"We observed a ~30 arcmin x 30 arcmin field about the Swift localization
of GRB 041217 (GCN #2853; Palmer et al. 2004) with the 1.3m PAIRITEL
system at Mt. Hopkins, AZ.  In poor seeing conditions, a total of 371
images (in J, H, and K bands) of 7.8 sec integration time (8.5 arcmin FOV)
were acquired from 2004 Dec 18 10h47m21s to 13h20m33s UT. A preliminary
comparison of the central ~8 arcmin surrounding the Swift position with
the 2MASS Quicklook catalog image position reveals no new objects to the
2MASS detection level in J-band. A more complete analysis is on-going."

More information on the PAIRITEL system may be found at We thank J. Huchra for assistance on the mountain.

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