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GCN Circular 28579

Swift-XRT observations of IceCube 201007A
2020-10-08T13:40:54Z (4 years ago)
Timothee Gregoire at Penn State <>
J.A. Kennea (PSU), H. A. Ayala Solares (PSU), D.F. Cowen (PSU),
J. DeLaunay (PSU), D. B. Fox (PSU), A. Keivani (Columbia U.), J.P. Osborne
(U. Leicester), T. Gregoire (PSU), P.A. Evans (U. Leicester) report:

Swift observed the field of IceCube 201007A (GCN Circ. 28575) between 00:18:13
2020 October 8 and 02:19:15 on 2020 October 8, collecting a total of 3.8 ks of
cleaned photon counting (PC) mode data. The observations used a 4-point tiling
pattern with a radius of ~0.3 degrees.

We found 3 X-ray sources, as detailed below. All of these are either known X-ray
sources, consistent with catalogued fluxes, or are unknown but with count rate
consistent with the previous non-detections. We therefore do not claim any of
them as the likely counterpart to IceCube 201007A.

The 3-sigma upper limit in the field was in the range 4-9 x 10^-3 ct/sec.

The detected sources were:
Source no:   1
RA (J2000):  265.15814 [degrees] = 17h 40m 37.95s
Dec (J2000): +5.30616 [degrees] = +05d 18' 22.2"
Error:       +5.5 [arcsec, 90% conf. radius]
Count rate (0.3-10 keV): 9.1 (+3.1, -2.5) x 10-3 ct s-1
Flux (0.3-10 keV):       3.9 (+1.3, -1.1) x 10-13 erg cm-2 s-1

Source no:   2
RA (J2000):  265.16388 [degrees] = 17h 40m 39.33s
Dec (J2000): +5.46461 [degrees] = +05d 27' 52.6"
Error:       +5.0 [arcsec, 90% conf. radius]
Count rate (0.3-10 keV): 3.8 (+2.1, -1.6) x 10-3 ct s-1
Flux (0.3-10 keV):       1.6 (+0.9, -0.7) x 10-13 erg cm-2 s-1

Source no:   3
RA (J2000):  265.06867 [degrees] = 17h 40m 16.48s
Dec (J2000): +5.64807 [degrees] = +05d 38' 53.1"
Error:       +5.8 [arcsec, 90% conf. radius]
Count rate (0.3-10 keV): 1.2 (+0.5, -0.4) x 10-2 ct s-1
Flux (0.3-10 keV):       5.3 (+2.1, -1.7) x 10-13 erg cm-2 s-1
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